@article{oai:chikushi-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000938, author = {鷺山, 智英 and 八嶋, 義之 and 小林, 知美 and 田鍋, 隆男 and 樋口, すみ and 高松, 麻美 and SAGIYAMA, Tomohide and YASHIMA, Yoshiyuki and KOBAYASHI, Tomomi and TANABE, Takao and HIGUCHI, Sumi and TAKAMATSU, Asami}, issue = {28}, journal = {人間文化研究所年報, Annual Report of the Humanities Research Institute Chikushi Jogakuen University}, month = {Aug}, pages = {25--37}, title = {博多萬行寺所蔵『甲戌通翰』翻刻}, year = {2017}, yomi = {サギヤマ, トモヒデ and ヤシマ, ヨシユキ and コバヤシ, トモミ and タナベ, タカオ and ヒグチ, スミ and タカマツ, アサミ} }